Consulting Services
We go far beyond traditional consulting; we roll up our sleeves and work alongside you to improve your organization as a whole. Let's explore the possibilities together!
Organizational Assessments
Using multiple lenses – whether it is the Malcolm Baldrige Performance Excellence approach, Trauma Informed Care, Diversity & Equity, or an iCAT analysis. Mix, match, or select them all in one organized, easy to understand and implement framework for organizational improvement.
Balanced Scorecards
Organizational dashboards are another specialty to help organizations determine what/how/when of running the organization and visioning for the future by using a systematic approach to make effective decisions. This work often includes development of surveys, key performance indicators, benchmarks, and stretch targets.
Multidisciplinary Teams
From throughput analysis to “caring for the caregiver” approaches, our services are designed to help identify resources, partners, and increase the capacity of these important teams in your service model. We help your teams maximize their knowledge and skills to deliver to clients.
Asset Mapping
Another opportunity that organizations can lean into us for, especially in tandem with multidisciplinary teams who want to offer their clients a myriad of resources. Asset mapping is often a primary function needed with collective impact efforts, too.
Development Functions
Critical engine that keeps nonprofits in business! We can lead or support your development needs, from feasibility studies, capital campaigns, annual campaigns, grants, and more.
Strategic Planning
A cycle that helps the organization understand where it has been and where it can grow/expand. Whether it’s blue ocean strategy, or a modified SWOTT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, trends), we have the tools and facilitation skills to help your staff and board see the mission realized, while stretching toward an audacious vision. Our plans are more than dreams – they are step-by-step approaches to achieving the desired outcomes.
Youth Engagement
Another specialty that our team provides, from focus groups to youth councils, to step-by-step approaches to engaging youth in your delivery of services and decision-making, which has become an increasingly important imperative for organizations whose services are directed at young people.
Training, Facilitation and Workshops
Available on a wide array of topics. Seeking to increase your workforce retention through retreats? We have tried and tested modules to help! Need to increase knowledge on topics such as Trauma Informed Care, or modules on how to help vulnerable populations access healthcare or other needs. Check out our Workshops page for a full array of offering.
Policies, Procedures and Process Mapping
Critical elements of organizations but often overlooked because of funding constraints and client needs. Let us help you with these important, foundational tools for success.
What sets us apart is a genuine passion for helping others.